Holistic Vet Norfolk Vaccicheck
Saturday 17th February 2023
is the date for the next vaccination titre clinic in conjunction with Pettitt and Boo, local raw and holistic pet shop.
Appointments will be offered for a tiny blood sample to be taken using a very small needle, usually from the front leg or neck, by me or my qualified and registered veterinary nurse. Results are usually emailed out to you within 48 hours. I will also perform a nose to tail health check of your pet and provide a written report.
Bring your dog's vaccination record card, and details of their microchip number.
Spending some time beforehand teaching your dog to willingly sit between your legs and offer a paw, while having their chin on your hand will be time well spent. Ask your trainer, or Jess at Pawfect Pets can help with this training.

Dogs that are not able to willingly comply with blood testing will have to come back to the next clinic when they are ready. I practice fear free handling for all dogs.
The test checks if your dog has generated antibodies to Distemper, Hepatitis and Parvo virus. The results can be used to inform the need for future vaccinations against these diseases.
The recommended timing for this test is from 20 weeks of age (and at least 2 weeks after the last vaccination) and before the first "booster vaccine" which would be due at 15 months of age.
For adult dogs, after the 15 months initial booster, revaccination for these diseases will be offered every three years, a titre test is a sensible way to ensure immunity without exposing your dog to unnecessary vaccines.
Immunity against Leptospirosis and Kennel Cough is NOT checked by this test, so decision making about vaccines for these diseases will be based on a risk/benefit assessment for your individual dog.